Nov 10, 2010

8 Steps To Create and Send Emails Irresistible

Although some say that the e-mail marketing does not work for Internet businesses, let me tell you that these people are completely wrong, and if you ever found any of them on the internet, I recommend to stay away as fast possible since following them, not win money online.

The e-mail marketing was, is and will be key to making money online with any type of business you have, follow-up to potential customers is the foundation of success for any online business.

Here's why I've prepared 8 steps that will help prepare effective electroncitos mail, and so his campaign e-mail marketing more productive.

Step # 1 Know your target audience -

Before you write your sales letter by e-mail, we must first determine exactly who our target audience. This is a fundamental aspect to be successful with email marketing.

You should ask these questions to yourself:

- What do you want your prospects?
- That is what frustrates them most to your prospects?
- Who else is selling something of your products or services?
- Why do your prospects believe you you?
- Why did you buy your prospects to you or your competition?
- What type of appeal you expect to find in your target market?

Step # 2 Choose a good topic -

For an e-mail results, prospects must first open it, but what we do to awaken their interest and click on our email?

A good case is the KEY.

There are four types of e-mail forms can be used as a guide in developing your emails. Each has a different psychological attraction that works like magic on the prospects and customers. Here are some examples:

- Offer a great benefit - "XXXXXXXX Everything you need for your venture"

- Create Curiosity - "XXXXXXXX has discovered the secret of success"

- Write an affair with a news angle - "XXXXXXXX launches RSVP For those who want to double your money fast!"

- Provide immediate gratification - "RSVP, and you can start earning money before the sun sets"

A task for the house: Write at least 25 lines of business before deciding which to use. Take the two best according to you and try both in its campaign of marketing.

Step # 3  What's in your product to them? -

Sit down and write all the benefits of your product imaginable. Do not know the difference between features and benefits? The features speak of the product itself (shape, size, styles, settings, etc..) And the profit is all that can be achieved with this product (sales increase, lose weight, be higher, etc.). Features go with logic, reasoning justifies the excitement and emotion justify sales.

Here is a golden rule to know the benefits, you must ask: What can my product or service for my client? "Then you start writing your letter telling your reader what HACERPARA THEY CAN THIS PRODUCT. Tell them how to improve their lives if they buy your product, tell them what you will feel better, and how good are the people who already purchased.

Step # 4 - Emotional Appeal -

When promoting a product or service, remember that the decisions to buy based on emotion, then this is supported by logic. Before writing a word, we must determine what emotional buttons we need to lead the prospect to make a purchase.

Let's take an example, if you want to sell supplements health, you can go by the "fear of disease"and put a button for example" A natural way to improve their health. "

Step # 5  That name you should trust -

To convince the peoples / readers to buy your services, you must win there confidence that your offer is good for them and that the product will deliver as promised by you.

How is that? Here are three ways to increase credibility with the Email readers:

- Provide evidence.
- Include letters of endorsement of the authority figures in your industry
- Make your offer and promises sincere and credible.

Step # 6  A warranty -

Today, trying to sell without some kind of collateral is a basket case. You have to have one, will be the strongest part of your letter. Moreover, although almost no one asks for reimbursement, will put a lot of confidence to guarantee their readers.

You can offer guarantees of 24 hours, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, or even a full year, here's an interesting fact, the longer the warranty period, the lower are the claims being due to human nature to postpone things until the end, resulting in the neglect of the refund.

Step # 7  Easy and affordable payment system -

It happens all the time. Someone makes an exceptional sales presentation, and ultimately makes no sale, and this because their potential customers are not clear the payment.

- According to statistics in order to close a sale, must be at least three contacts with the prospect, in other studies it is said that on the seventh contact.

If you can offer more payment systems for their prospects, this is very well regarded by the people, and if only offers one way, worry that is as clear as possible, step by step how to ask for order.

Step # 8  Easy and fun reading -

Write all your letter as a block and side to side of your page, all you achieve is that your mail goes directly to the trash. The solution? Type in the middle of the page (no more than 65 characters per line). Try not to write paragraphs with more than 5 lines. Use asterisks, dashes and ellipses, this will give greater fluidity to your mail. Also try to use bullets when necessary, this gives a higher order and elegance to your inbox.


webtasarimp said...

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petersam said...

nice post thanks for sharing.

sam anderson said...

Oh, nice these steps are so intresting and now we send message always use your given these steps.
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Anonymous said...

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Health Zune said...
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Serge said...

Thank you!
Very helpful information!

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